

22 Mar, 2020 By Admin

The World of Humans in 2020 is fighting a war against this family of viruses that have encroached the Earth making survival questionable. We, humans, are taking all possible preventive measures to stay safe and to break the link of spread.

We at Anamala Homestays are concerned about the current situation of our planet. This has to lead us to join hands with the rest of the world and take up some preventive measures.

Best Precautionary Measures to be taken at Homestays

  • Abide by the rules set by our local Government
  • Disinfecting in and around the homestay
  • Providing sanitizer to the tourists at our homestay
  • A good supply of warm water and a home-cooked meal

A 3D Illustration of the Coronavirus

The right way to pick and practice the precautions is by understanding the gravity of the situation.

What are Coronaviruses?

Biological agents that can replicate within a living cell on infecting a living organism is called a virus.

Coronaviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses with an envelope around it on which club-shaped projections are present. They are large families of viruses that infect both humans and animals.

Where did the outbreak of Corona Viruses occur?

COVID-19 stands for Coronavirus Disease-2019, a successor of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) that infected the people on Earth earlier. COVID-19 is a new strain first identified in Wuhan, China which is now resulting in a pandemic.

Origin of the n-Cov 2019

How does COVID-19 spread?

When a human is exposed to Coronavirus it takes a time frame of 2-14 days for the symptoms to the surface and the infected person experiences fever, dry cough, runny nose, fatigue and difficulty in breathing or shortness in breath.

If you are experiencing any symptoms get yourself screened immediately to break the chain of the disease from spreading.

Touching infected surfaces in public places

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

COVID-19 disease is communicable from one person to another through the transfer of very small droplets from the COVID-19 affected victim’s sneeze or a cough. One uncovered sneeze or cough carries millions of viruses that the victim would be leaving around the places they move about. These droplets settle on the surface of objects which when other healthy people come in contact with and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth get the disease.

List of Symptoms when affected by COVID-19

It is better to act now than later.

Homestays are the right place if travelers desire to experience the authentic way of getting in and around the city or town, living along with the locals. India is a diverse country filled with nature, history, and culture. It is an experience home away from the home hassle and panic free. Anamala Serenity is one such 70-year-old heritage homestay amidst a picturesque town Thiruvilwamala in Kerala.

Anamala Homestays in Thiruvilwamala

Preventive measures for homestays

  • Firstly, we at Anamala Serenity Homestays in Thiruvilwamala near Thrissur follow the rules and regulations set by The Department of Health and Family Welfare & Kerala Tourism.
  • We at our homestay greet our tourists the Indian way with a “Namaste”!

A hand gesture, “Namaste”! - The Indian way of greeting people

  • We take food safety measures by serving boiled warm water to drink and well-cooked home food with organic vegetables in earthen pots.

Local delicacy cooked and served in earthenware

  • Hygiene at our Homestay has always been a priority, while now it is the season to be extra careful. We abide by the rules of cleanliness to keep any kind of pests out.

Measures to disinfect common areas and provide fresh spreads and towels

  • To keep your hands' germ-free we have alcohol-based sanitizers are placed at every nook and corner of the homestay.

    Tourist sanitizing their hands to stay safe

  • There is medicinal soap and 24*7 warm water to shower when you get back to the homestay after a short trip nearby.

Medicinal soaps to wash your hands with clean and fresh water.

The team at Anamala Homestay are doing their bit to spread awareness about the preventive measures to coronaviruses in and around the town!

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